If you are looking for a pressure washing company in Alexandria, Virginia, Look no further! Cope Exterior and Deck offers different pressure washing services including Awning Cleaning, Commercial Power Washing, Deck Cleaning, Deck Restoration, Exterior House Washing, Roof Cleaning, Side Cleaning and many more! Call us today at 703-220-5685. Please keep in mind – all power washing services are not created equally

Keeping your business or commercial property clean and safe is always important because you will never get a second chance to make a first impression. Cope Exterior and Deck provides commercial clients with power washing and exterior cleaning services for apartments, warehouses, commercial buildings, parking lots and strip centers. We partner with property and community management teams throughout Virginia to ensure that common areas maintain a clean environment that is consistent with our expectations of your residents and tenants.
Cope Exterior and Deck Service Area including:
Annandale, Mount Vernon, Lorton, Burke, Falls Church, Mclean, Fairfax, Springfield, York Manor, Newington, West Springfield, Newington Station, Greene Hills Estates, Westview Hills, Cameron Station, Telegraph Road, Island Creek, Hayfield View, Kingstowne, Hayfield, Manchester Lakes, Franconia, Rose Hill, Georgetown Woods, Wilton Woods, West Virginia, Summit Point and nearby areas.